Sydney getting up the field

Sydney De Mesa

Commitment Status: Uncommitted

Country: United States

Gender: Female

GPA: 3.96

Height: 5'2"

Graduation Year: 2024

Club Team(s):

Sporting CA - ECNL

Primary Position: Attacking center mid

Secondary Position: Defensive center mid

Sydney De Mesa 2024 Starting Center Mid for Sporting CA USA ECNL-ECRL team


Sydney De Mesa is a skilled technical center mid that joined the Sporting CA ECRL team this year. Prior to Sporting she was an every game starter for her Los Angeles Soccer Clubs 06 team. Sydney plays both the six and the eight equally well and is a very cerebral player. She sees the field and can dish out split passes and well timed thru balls. She has an excellent first touch and control of the ball. She can take players on off the dribble and create space.  Sydney is fast and athletic, she reads the game extremely well in the midfield and jumps passes. She knows where to drop too and how to shift and is in the right place at the right time frequently. She is a good passer and can be a box to box midfielder for your program. 

Sydney also has a blast for a shot and the vision to catch the keeper off her line and blast a 30 yard strike into the back of the net. She has a high work rate and can cover a lot of ground in the midfield. She plays both sides of the ball and is consistent in her play. She carries a 3.96 GPA in the classroom. 

Additional video from this summer can be viewd here:

 Fall 2022: