Mason making a save
Mason Pocus
Commitment Status: Uncommitted
Country: United States
Gender: Male
GPA: 3.4
Height: 6'2"
Graduation Year: 2023
mason.pocus22@gmail.comClub Team(s):
La Roca - ECNL
Primary Position: Goalkeeper
Secondary Position: Goalkeeper
Mason Pocus 2023 Starting GK for La Roca ECNL 04/05 team. 6'2 with a 3.4 GPA
Mason Pocus is a 2023 grad Goalkeeper that plays for La Roca’s ECNL 04 team. Mason stands at 6’2, has a powerful frame, big punts and goal kicks and has a great reach to save shots to the upper corners, near the bar, or even wide saves that he fully extends out to get.
Mason’s La Roca team won the Utah State Cup and recently played in the regional playoffs this summer. He is one of two keepers on the team and typically splits time with another D1 commit who is a year older from the 2022 class. He was named the starting keeper for regionals and played well in the tourney. He is a good organizer in the goal directing his teammates to get where he needs them. He’s not afraid to come off his line or stick his nose in to win the ball in a crowd. He is open to playing anywhere in college as long as it is a good competitive fit and is affordable.
Academically he carries a 3.4 GPA. He is coached by David Chavez the La Roca ECNL head coach. David can be reached at 801-440-9363.
To view more film of Mason from this past year click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfwamdKCcH8